长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 蒲友网 Don’t suddenly hurt your hand. Meng De suddenly hit the door with his hand. The man got up and touched his head and said calmly

Don’t suddenly hurt your hand. Meng De suddenly hit the door with his hand. The man got up and touched his head and said calmly

It seems that you are not as simple as sightseeing. As soon as you hear that we are the star leaders, you should start at once. It must be the post leaders who warn the man, said the man
I’m going to take your heads off, and Meng De will immediately release his powers and punch the man rubbing his head.
The man was punched by Meng De before. This time, he was alert and stretched out his hand to block the opponent’s fist, but he was knocked down by Meng De Machamp.
When he saw it, he was not worried about being beaten away. His companion calmly said, Is it Machamp? I am the same type.
Then he punched and rushed to Meng De’s other side. Meng De didn’t flash or avoid, but also waved a fist to meet each other’s fists. His fists collided with each other and even made a metal sound. Meng De was forced to retreat a few steps, and the other side was shaken and rolled for several times before he fell off and grabbed his wrist. Obviously, his super power was far from Meng De, so Machamp’s power did not meet fate in Chapter 20.
Shadow wind for the first time to Meng De sit up and take notice. The Nangong Sword around him is such a Uber bodyguard, and so is Meng De, a leading brother. Therefore, Shadow wind doesn’t think he boasted that he used to be a different battalion chief.
But now Meng De has even lost two seemingly weak powers in one hand, and the wind is clear. This honest uncle is really tough, and his skill is much better than ordinary powers.
Meng De was impatient, and his friends stopped going there to defeat the two powers. Immediately, the car hit an obstacle and rushed to the leader of the gang forces.
Damn, that guy’s strength is about the same as our captain’s, and the car is even worse than him. Two guys broke their five-finger bones, and that man helped another man up and said
Let’s hurry up and inform the captain that the man who was beaten away called the captain with a wry smile with a walkie-talkie. A group of people in our area broke through our defense and went in. Four men, one woman and three men have fighting ability, and they are all at the captain level. Be careful. The report is over
The truck is driving on the forest path. It seems that the small rural road is uneven and ups and downs all the way make people feel dizzy and want to vomit, especially the Uber level of power, but they are afraid of riding the Nangong Sword. It seems that they will vomit at any time.
Shadow wind suddenly found that something was wrong with Meng De and asked how to pull Uncle Meng De.
Meng De raised his right hand to show the shadow wind. I didn’t expect Machamp Meng De’s hand to be beaten. The bloody rabbit hurried to his own power. He treated Meng De with one hand holding the steering wheel and said that the two men were not ordinary members of different departments. Even if they joined hands, I would be defeated.
Come on, they are the elite of different departments. No wonder they think it’s not usually my words. How many tricks can make them lose? Cloud thinks about it in his mind. He thinks that fifteen strokes can completely kill two people.
They are elites in different ministries. When asked by Meng De, Shadow Wind thought that he should send elites to fight in such a place instead of letting them take part in the battle. What on earth is Star Leader up to? Shadow Wind is getting more and more surprised.
Just as the shadow wind and others were about to arrive in Gangcheng, the forest path was surrounded by a group of people for about twenty. They all wore strange ornaments and black tights, which were similar to armor. Because they were not made of metal, they were not like armor.
Meng De stopped the car and everyone got off.
At this time, a red-haired boy was about the same age as Ying Feng, but he didn’t see the wind, and his delicate skin was bronzed. Ying Feng saw him and seemed to intuitively see his figure. He recognized that the other side, like him, was a fighter who had been trained and honed since childhood.
The red-haired boy said that he would be involved in the war if he passed a little further. I advise you to turn back.
Joke: Cloud releases super powers. The body slightly glows with blue light. If you don’t let me, you will kill each other. The cloud fist leaves the palm, and at the same time, a blue sword is drawn from the palm. Yunyun holds the sword and cuts the ground behind him, leaving a thin crack. Yunling dances casually. The powerful momentum of the sword is emitted from the sword, which makes more than 20 people move.
The red-haired boy was stunned when he saw the cloud, but he quickly replied with an expression and asked if you were members of a different department, friends or other forces.
It’s not that the cloud said coldly that we are here to ask the leader of the post to ask a person.
Isn’t it ridiculous to get involved in the war because of this?
But now I’ve changed my mind, and I want to drive your stars here. Yun said combatively, even the shadow wind was surprised. They didn’t expect Yun to say that. Is Yun an idiot or too brave?
With you five people, you want to drive our star here.
No, I’m the only one. That’s enough, Cloud challenged
The red-haired boy sighed and said this arrogant attitude. That bastard is exactly the same. The red-haired boy is angry and his hair is like a flame.
I will soon know that I have a gap in different departments. This person should be the commander or captain of a different unit. Since he wants to become the strongest person in the world, he must first measure his current position and then step by step. Since he wants to catch up with his eldest brother, he must first recognize his position in this world and his direction of efforts.
The other party seems to want to fight alone. Don’t do it first, said the red-haired boy to a group of people behind him, and then step by step.
Seeing that the other party has entered the attack range, the cloud immediately inserts the proposed sword into the ground and screams that the ice sword dances. The ground immediately cracks a thin crack and several ice thorns break through the ground and sprint.
The red-haired boy jumped up at once when he was surprised. Although the boy reacted for the first time, the ice thorn still cut the teenager’s thigh. Yun had long expected that he would jump up and slash with a sword earlier than the teenager, and he was about to chop. How could the teenager suddenly disappear in the middle of the middle? Everyone present was shocked, including the teenager.
Damn cloud saw his left shadow flash and immediately bent his left hand to block the left side, while the teenager also kicked the cloud defense with a turn-over heel at the same time. Although the left hand blocked it, it was just powerful and made the cloud retreat several steps.
Is he a speed super power? But why can’t I feel super power from him? This man gives me the impression that Xiao Feng is very similar, and his attack is not as strong as his power, but it is strange after his strength is determined.
I didn’t expect his reflex nerve to be so fast that even the butterfly dance can stop the teenager from posing for battle, tying up a stance of horse stance just look and placing one hand on his abdomen and the other hand on his chest.
Boxing cloud thinks that boxing belongs to close combat, so let’s see how much ability I can play in close combat.
Seeing that the cloud suddenly stretched, it usually circled around the teenager, and the speed of the cloud was faster every time it passed. A lot of gas was generated in the air because of the high-speed movement of the cloud, and a whirlwind was generated, and a dust was rolled up around the teenager.
I can see a shadow soon, and the wind marveled at Meng De’s kindness, but the rabbit couldn’t see anything, but why Xiao Yun didn’t attack from a distance, such as the dragon’s teeth?
Nangong Jian has been whispering beside him, and he also wants to see how far the cloud has reached now.
Suddenly, the cloud caught its hand from four sides, and when it was moving at a rapid speed, it was already ingenious, so four clouds attacked the middle-aged and young people in different directions at the same time.

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